Vasco Gil

Braga, 23 years old.
I’m a multidisciplinary artist fueled by creativity.


 Photographic Poem
A little poem I wrote for a friend along with a film photograph I took of him.


Consciência pensativa, penosa e cansada
Por uma alma que passou e deixou-te sem nada
Sem chão, sem teto, com a cabeça transtornada

Andas, pensas, escreves e sofres mas é essa a tua caminhada
Para tentar ultrapassar a que te deixou a mente fragilizada

Por muito que se fale
Era essa a mulher que ele tanto amava
Mas na pintura que é a vida ela foi só mais uma pincelada

- Vasco Gil

Almeida (english translation)

Thoughtful, painful and tired conscience
For a soul that has passed and left you with nothing
No floor, no ceiling, with a messed-up head

You walk, think, write, and suffer but that is your path
To try to overcome the one that left your mind weakened

However much is said
It was this woman he loved so much
But in the painting that is life, she was just another brushstroke

- Vasco Gil


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